Made it - Although it has taken me a week plus to recover to update the blog ! It was a very windy weekend - Apparently the worst weather in 7 years with a head wind running at 15 mph to 18 mph on both days and gusting to 24 mph. The wind started about 8.30 am and went all day until about 5 pm as the tempreature dropped. I left with the other BHP Billiton riders from Houston about 7 am and crawled into La Grange about 5.37 pm - My average speed was about 12 mph as the wind was so strong. I did stop at nearly all the break points along the way and found I was worn out, after doing the 100.5 miles on Day 1.
The mornings were cool, and it was very cold in La Grange on day 2. We wound up wearing extra layers - I borrowed a long sleeved jersey from a very kind fellow rider on Day 2, as I did not bring any cold weather gear. It did however warm up by lunch time and and it got wuite hot in the afternoon. On Day 2, I did another 72.5 miles, taking the Express route and avoiding the Park - (Bastrop State Forest) This turned out to be a wise decision, as I was tired from the wind and I got in later than I had done the previous year, even though I did not do the big hills in the park. It was a nice feeling to cruise home though...